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Located in Ithaca, NY

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  • Item ID # 9970768
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AMAT Centura DPS II -6in w/4e-MXP=+ Chambers and 3e-MxP+ chambers

  • 3 Chamber AMAT Centura DPS II platform
  • 2009 Vintage
  • Oxide and Silicon Etch
  • RF Generators are ENI OEM-12B3’s
  • Power management AE LF-10’s, Apex 3013’s and ENI OEM -28’s
  • AMAT Endpoint detection system
  • Spare Silicon etch chamber
  • TMps is ET300WS


The Tool was set up for two Oxide etch chambers and a Silicon etch chamber is that correct? If so are there three process modules? Degas looks empty as well.

          The tool has 3 MxP+ oxide etch chambers with a potential to add a 4 process chamber. There is no degas, just an orienter.

What processes/materials were used?

          Oxide etch process on silicon

Are any of the missing boards in the black and yellow totes?

I don’t believe there is any boards missing. An inventory of what is in the totes is attached


The Load lock looks to be a Widebody is that correct?

          Narrow body with auto tilt out


Does it have a robot?  

          Yes. It has a robot and it works.


What is in the palletized black/yellow boxes?

An inventory of what is in the totes is attached


Are any of the pumps, etc. required to run this included or not?

No pumps are included. There is 3 Hx’s included.

Questions & Answers
Q: Three turbo pumps are removed. What was model of Tmps? posted by: frak0909 6/20/2024 11:39 AM PT
A: Pumps are NOT removed, the 3 pumps are INCLUDED
Q: Would you have more pictures of the tool? main robot, chambers... RF gen racks, chillers? Pumps? Are there 7 chambers total? it seems that the tool has only 3 chambers.. can you confirm? thank you posted by: 6/10/2024 1:48 PM PT
A: Pictures & Details added to Description. Please contact Paul Tolley all additional questions @ 585-489-6999
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